Love the skin you’re in and lavish love on someone special, too with Moondust Cosmetics® BOGO2021 all February long

It’s said the more love you share with others, the more you’ll have to give. The Moondust Cosmetics® team feels the same is true for self-care. We’ve got gentle reminders on how you can lavish some Valentine’s Day love on yourself and have loads more health giving loving kindness to share. Dr. Moondust, founder of Moondust Cosmetics® is big into the sharing the love. She developed her revolutionary Skin Protector Plus (SPP) formula to help people recovering from skin cancer, concerned about it or super sensitive in the sun to layer on the self-care love. She has also composed and recorded, music to calm the soul and she participates in initiatives for positive action towards peace for humans and for kindness to animals.
Check into these tips to help that self-love along, mid-winter in a global year of high stress:
Start your loving self-care habit with the foundation-relaxation. Begin with a stretch and ease into your day.
- Enjoy a gentle mind-body connection with light yoga to unwind and reflect.
- Breathe consciously, not just automatically and find that balance of the world that awaits you outside and the calm you have just invited in.
- Destress with your deep loving breath. Maybe find the natural scent or essential oil you love best and surround yourself in it to quiet your mind and feed your senses.
Lotion, aromatherapy candle or peppermint oil inhalations (a few drops of peppermint oil in boiling water are recommended in the time of coronavirus to clear the sinuses) are some of the many signals you can send your body that you are relaxing and winding down for the day. And, why not end the evening with Dr. Moondust’s favourite treat…“A few drops of lavender oil in the bath at night puts me to sleep like a baby.”
Move your body
Find something you take pleasure in for movement and exercise.
- Do something you enjoy and you’ll always be less resistant to move on days you might need an extra push to get started.
- Move to the best of your ability and purpose in the world you inhabit.
- Consider gentle moves like yoga, Tai chi, Pilates, walking and happy hiking
Be your beautiful social self
If we all learned anything this year, it’s the great power in connection. While we do need to ‘social distance’ to keep safe and healthy, humans also need contact with each other. Being near others while observing health recommendations for safe distances is health giving self-care, too!
- Be outdoors and help you and others feel less isolated while enjoying fresh air and exercise
- Be motivated to be in the world, even if it means socializing virtually. This is when technology can serve us socially. Video chats, even phone calls to reach out help people at both ends of the line
And lastly, love the skin you’re in. Protect and care for your skin if you are sensitive, have skin cancer in the family or are recovering from cancer. Make it part of your ‘loving me’ routine.
Want in on a special Valentine’s Day promotion all month long?
Use special code: BOGO2021 here and get a buy-one-get-one promotion with FREE SHIPPING in Canada.
Check out Moondust Cosmetics® website for Skin Protector Plus.
Catch up on posts and articles on skin care, on the Human Sunburn Cycle explained and on the merits of APF – apoptotic protection factor – the ultimate science of skin care at work for you in any sunny setting.