Project Hastings shares sun protection product donated by Moondust Cosmetics®

In the spring and summer of 2021 Moondust Cosmetics joined other Vancouver companies to support the work of Project Hastings. The collective of dedicated young volunteers helps people in the Downtown East Side (DTES) with care packages of food and daily necessities as well as time in hearing their stories. Tubes of Moondust’s flagship sun care formula, Skin Protector Plus (SPP) have been distributed since the company began to support the initiative five months ago.
The Project Vancouver street-based events distribute food items such as sandwiches, fruits, and drinks as well as daily necessities such as hygiene products, socks, blankets, water, stationery and books to name some.
Moondust Cosmetics® is concerned with community care and to giving back. The company, spearheaded by Dr. Moondust contributes to a number of charitable and environmental and peace causes as well as organizations concerned with skin cancer education and survivor supports. As sun care is critical for everyone, especially in the summer BC is experiencing, Moondust responded to Project Hasting’s call to participate.
More distribution of Skin Protector Plus, full sized tubes are planned for August – Summer Sun Safety Month, to help protect DTES residents from sunburn as part of their sponsorship agreement. Going forward the sun care skin cream will be distributed in “educational care packages” according to Project Hastings. “They include a variety of items such as stationery and books to read that would help at-risk, less-fortunate youth in their learning pathways.”
During all of our handouts, we aim to forge a connection between us and the DTES community. We believe that the bond between these two parties are extremely important in continuing with our mission.
The young people meeting the DTES community directly, and sharing in their stories, are pleased to know that the Moondust sun care product shares some of their own values. It is not tested on animals, is safe to use on all humans and does no harm to the environment. The Project often distributes goods on an as need basis from baskets so that individuals take only what they actually need and the volunteers thus mitigate food and solid waste.
In future, SPP will be part of Project Hastings education campaign. It will be about taking care in all sun conditions, especially for those who are exposed to sun for very long periods of time outside or must take precautions because of a history of skin cancer in the family.
For more info on the fun side of sun time check out the posts with tips on the Moondust website Connect with us virtually, any time.
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