Do You Need To Wear Sunscreen In The Fall When The Weather’s Getting Drearier?

The sunny season’s end is NO time to let up on your skin protection and sun care habits. Even as you pack away your fans, umbrellas and visors, don’t store away your tube of sunscreen or the Zinc Oxide solution for sensitive skin. We recommend, Moondust Cosmetics® Skin Protector Plus (SPP). Let’s look at why you’ll want to keep using sun protection?
True we leave those lazy, super sunny days of summer behind and heading back to school or the office routine. Your sun care routine, however, is not optional yet!
Autumn still calls for caution and good habits despite the often cloudier days and cooler temperatures which tricks us into dropping our sun care as optional!
Here’s how to be sure to avoid sun damage:
- Every season has potential for sun damage
Yes, any time of year is guilty of sun damage even if there is cloud cover, or temperatures feel like they are dropping. A severe sunburn can happen in any month of the year, especially for the sun sensitive, or the unprotected.
- Avoid sun exposure between 10am and 4pm-even in autumn
Do note the time of day you are out and about. Damaging rays are still at their strongest around solar noon time. So, minimize your exposure between the hours of 10 and 4.
If you are heading out to enjoy a beautiful clear day, tote along your Skin Protector Plus (SPP)
- Special conditions that can increase the risk of a burn
Temperatures outdoors may be dropping. We get deeper into fall. You can still get a burn while active with water activity that reflects rays from the water, sand or even as the snow falls, from ice.
Altitude can add to risk, also. The higher up you are the closer you are to the sun. Stay safe on hikes, slopes or surfing times outdoors. Mother Earth’s surface still reflects those potentially damaging rays whether you are hiking or skiing or surfing.
- Don’t lighten up your level of protection
If you do use an SPF product, don’t lower your protection level.
If you need an APF product, Moondust Skin Protector Plus is still the right solution with its bonus of zinc protection against COVID.
With Skin Protector Plus (SPP)… you always have a steady layer of safe coverage.
“The conversation of sunscreen and sun protection needs to move away from a focus
on SPF, which only accounts for protection from UVB rays, to a focus on broad spectrum, or UVA and UVB coverage,” says well known New York dermatologist, Dr. Jeremy A. Brauer.
Moondust’s founder and primary biochemist, Dr. Moondust, is of the same mind as Dr. Brauer. That’s why all Moondust suncare products provide full UVA/UVB protection and contain our special added parameter of APF to combat scientific sunburn.
You deserve sun protection year round and not just as a seasonal practice.
Enjoy our lovely days of autumn outside before it gets frosty – and don’t forget the sun safety habits you practiced so well during your summer fun.
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