Suncare Suggested Anytime by Flight Attendant Nurse and by Science

Traveling this season? The Moondust Cosmetics® team found high flying support for its call for skincare protection in any exposure conditions. See and hear the practical advice from an experienced flight attendant who is also a nurse here in this short video.
It includes skin care tips and suncare protection. Read the scientific proof in the published papers of Dr. Moondust here and find out how UV rays can cause skin cancer.
Each promotes the smart use of suncare to protect from burns and increased risk of skin cancer.
Suncare protection inside and outside
The nurse and flight crew member explains the need for sunscreen in all conditions. It is one of her many onboard care suggestions that include:
- Get in the habit of wearing sunscreen daily (Even in fall/winter according to this post)
- When traveling use protective suncare products inside whether sitting alongside a window or an aisle seat. In planes you are high up and the light rays come in at every angle.
- In her video she does say: Wear that suncare, even when you’re just walking around in your daily life. Put it on to protect your skin from sun damage and future skin cancer concerns. The sun’s rays can hit you at a more direct and intense angle than when you’re on the ground so, please always wear sunscreen when you’re flying even if you’re not sitting next to the window.
To read the science, check out Dr. Moondust’s 4th and last full article in a series about Scientific sunburn & skin cancer in the UK publication: Open Access Government – October 2022 edition.
See the full “Go Travel with Staci” video that Team Moondust Cosmetics referenced above.
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