More February Love for All with Self-Care and Compassion

Even as February is the shortest month it seems to be one of the fullest with opportunities to celebrate and to receive love. Love of all kinds is on the calendar. Moondust Cosmetics® encourages you to find time to care for yourself so that you can have the energy to care for others in your life and to lavish love on them.
Celebrate love and care on the many mid-winter days in February:
Valentine’s Day, of course, and the debut in 2010 of Galentine’s Day that blends gal and Valentine’s Day. While the term is used to celebrate women and their female friendships, it was also destined to heighten awareness of celebrating any kind of friendship, not just those among women. Beyond romantic and friendship connections we also reach out with Caregivers Day and Women Physicians Day to name just a few more.
Even our beloved fellow creatures are included on the love bus driving through the month! Starting with the attention given to the star of Ground Hog Day, people have also added Dog Biscuit Day, Love Your Pet Day and Spay Day.
With all those stops to share love, and to receive it, will you find time to nurture yourself with love and attention?
Love month self-care practices
So, it is accepted and understood that loving yourself and taking time to care for yourself multiplies the love you can give to others when you feel good about yourself - people and passions.
What do you think of these ways to show love to yourself:
- Exercise, eat well, and get enough good quality sleep to care for the physical you and boost your mental energy level as a result.
- Grow your inner glow and nurture your self-confidence – try new things outside your comfort zone and celebrate your accomplishments to date.
- Stretch your personal interests and add new dimensions such a learning, appreciation of art and time to listen to new music.
If you are wanting to lavish some sun exposure protective love on people who enjoy outdoor time in the sun on surf, sand or snow, consider a Valentine’s Day gift of Skin Protector Plus USE the code: BOGO2023.
Want more self-care practice tips for this month and all winter? Then you’ll love this post from last winter. True love of your own being never grows old so here’s a peek at some timeless practices you’ll find in Moondust’s earlier post.
To catch Team Moondust Cosmetics® top 3 categories of self-care, read this post.
“When we practice universal compassion we might actually end up being gentler and less critical of ourselves. Once we allow ourselves to feel this communion with everything,” says Dr. Moondust. “It is only natural to care for plants, animals, the environment, and other human beings, especially the disabled, or isolated in our community.
Walking in Nature, Forest- bathing, or just keeping a birdfeeder on your verandah can be the beginning of a beautiful and lasting relationship.”
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