Dr. Moondust’s Personal Morning and Evening Skincare Routine
It’s the time of year we are all so ready for spring’s fresh start! Moondust Cosmetics® founder shares a daily practice to enjoy a splash of renewal with her own all-natural facial skincare routine. Let’s look at that fresh face forward to the sun ahead in this interview. See the video here
Helena (host): Hello Dr. Moondust. Some of our community members on social were curious about your personal skincare routine. Can you take us through the essential steps?
Your groundbreaking formula Skin Protector Plus (SPP) was after all designed especially to protect us from sun damage and enhance the health of our face to the world. (‘Try’ on SPP in the new AR app here for the fun of it)
Dr. Moondust: Hi, Helena! Yes, the daily skincare routine is definitely of utmost importance for everyone. So, as you can see, the first thing I do is to put on my nice hairband of Native design – this is to make sure that every inch of the face gets proper attention. Then - I start my morning routine:
- Cleanse face with rosewater (this closes pores and helps relieve puffy eyes)
- Apply a light rose face cream with just a drop of Vitamin A oil for dark circles
- Apply Moondust sunscreen with APF (non-greasy)
- Apply natural lip balm
H: Now, you’ve used a particular ingredient: Why rosewater and rose cream?
Dr. MOONDUST: Rose is antiallergic, antiseptic, and astringent. It closes your pores – so there’s less chance of getting blackheads and acne.
H: And there’s the reminder that anything we apply to our skin affects our whole body system. (See Dr. Moondust’s articles on myths of suncare products and easy to read science based posts)
Now, on the topic of our skin and before we talk about the night time routine, can we just look at your third step… applying sunscreen.
Why Moondust suncare start your day?
Dr. Moondust: Now the thing that most doctors don’t know is that there is a difference between getting a suntan and getting a sunburn. SPF does not protect against sunburn, which involves peeling of the skin following UV exposure. In fact, most people do not burn, they just tan and SPF is fine for them (*but, beware of very high SPF since some chemical sunscreens are suspected carcinogens).
H: How do you know if you’re a tanner or a burner?
How does it affect your choice of sun protection?
DR. MOONDUST: Well, if you get red and peel, you’re a burner. If you get red and don’t peel, you’re a person who produces red melanin and SPF, which stops tanning, will help you. However, if you are a person who peels regularly upon sun exposure, no amount of SPF will help you. That’s why I need to use sunscreen with APF as part of my skincare routine because I burn and peel easily in the sun.
H: I see. It seems this may be only one of the misconceptions about sun care and protection. Can we hear about your evening routine?
DR. MOONDUST: In the evening these are the steps I take to treat my skin before bed time:
1. Cleanse your face with a natural facial cleanser
2. Apply a rich rose face cream. I add a little of my own glycerine and Aloe gel mix
3. Apply my own glycerine and Aloe gel mixture to lips as well to hydrate and for overnight dry skin relief
H: So now let’s look closely at those steps. Why glycerine and Aloe Vera gel?
DR. MOONDUST: Glycerine is nature’s great moisturizer. Aloe vera is excellent for removing blemishes and healing burns that one might get during the day even with minimal sun exposure when not wearing sunscreen Truly, sometimes in the winter, I get lazy and forget – so this way I’m covered when I go to bed and can still minimize my sun damage.
H: What about make-up, Dr. Moondust? Do you wear any?
DR. MOONDUST: Well, I can use absolutely NO harsh, synthetic chemicals in any facial products because I get allergies very easily and suffer from congestion as a result. The only exception is if I’m acting or performing which recently is limited to the odd piano performance or concert. Then, I will wear make-up made only with natural ingredients – you know, lipstick, eyeliner, etc.
Interestingly, technology sometimes lends a hand and I can avoid applying chemical products as some photograph filters I’ve used for online presentations can change skin tone. For me I’ve gotten a warm orange glow, so it’s equivalent to wearing a foundation!
H: What about foundation or base?
DR. MOONDUST: In fact, our Moondust suncare products make a rather good foundation that evens out your skin tone so that’s all I need!
H: I have to ask, given our past blogs and our community’s concern for the environment. What are your thoughts on plastic containers and packaging?
DR. MOONDUST: Well, I think you’re referring to my latest seminar on plastic pollution, Helena. Unfortunately, as you can see, there’s a lot of plastic in the cosmetics industry. However, I do try to buy products in paper, glass, or metal containers whenever possible and, hopefully, eco-friendly packaging will become available very soon – it’s definitely something we have in mind for Moondust.
See Dr. Moondust’s post on 11 more actions we can take for a safer environment.
H: Well those facts are something to think about as we select products for our skincare and go into the new season where we’ll be looking for sun protectors.
Whether you choose to embellish what nature has given you with makeup, or go as natural as possible, we know our well-being and confidence begin with a good skin care practice as our ticket to healthy fun in the season’s sun.
Find us on social and catch more posts and videos on the science of skincare and helpful tips for a healthy lifestyle to glow with!
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