Why Superfoods & Superherbs Help Fight Ageing and Cancer?

In a recent conversation with the founder of Moondust Cosmetics®, the principal researcher and cancer biologist, Dr. Moondust spoke about the role of superfoods and superherbs. Not only do they add to our longevity, but they enrich our healthspan. And, while they can delay ageing and add to the quality of our days, they also help to fight ageing. For explanations of the process and insights to integrate into your longevity lifestyle, read on!
Helena: Hello. My name is Helena and I’m your host for today’s edition in the series of conversations on healthy living. Let’s get to it!
Catch this interview on Moondust’s YouTube channel here
Hello, Dr. Moondust. Today, I think you have a special summer treat for us to savor – tips on “Why superfoods & superherbs can fight ageing and cancer simultaneously.”
Dr. Moondust: Hello. That’s right, Helena.
Helena: It’s a hot topic. There’s lots of interest about longevity. Can you get us started today with your comments on the science involved with the process of ageing?
Dr. M: Certainly. Have you ever wondered why there is so much variation among adults of the same age, while there is much less variation among children of a similar age?
Oh, come to think of it, yes!
Dr. M: Well, the good news is that it’s not just genetics – it’s largely to do with lifestyle.
Well, that’s wonderful to know! Lifestyle is something we have some control over. So, then, what ages you?
Dr. M: In fact, science has shown that your chronological age and your biological age are two separate things. There are a number of factors that are involved. Any kind of illness or disease ages you significantly because of the stress it puts on your body;
- Naturally, degenerative diseases are the most destructive.
- Obesity and a poor diet with high fat content
- Dehydration
- alcohol consumption (which accelerates biological ageing),
- regular use of hard drugs
- childbirth
- and, other external or internal stressors like lack of physical exercise
So, what can we do to slow down ageing?
Dr. M: Well, here are some anti-ageing tips:
- eating a Mediterranean diet
- including organic superfoods in your daily diet
- taking Greek superherbs in teas
- drinking matcha green tea
- taking resveratrol supplements derived from grapes (in fact, even our dog gets these)

OK. Some of these tips are familiar. We do hear about superfoods and superherbs. Dr. Moondust- What puts the ‘super’ into these foods and these herbs??
Dr. M: Superfoods are generally rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The reason for this is that, frequently, superfoods like beans, nuts, and seeds are “starter kits” for life on Earth. They often have energizing, anti-ageing, and anti-cancer qualities as a result of being concentrated nutrition packages. And, as climate-change intensifies and agricultural crop yields decrease, the importance of superfoods that deliver so many nutrients to the human body at once can only increase.
Superherbs are rich in phytochemicals with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help the body to eliminate free radicals, which contribute to ageing by causing cellular damage and they can also be involved in triggering cancer.
What is this difference between chronological age vs. biological age?
Dr. M: Well, Helena, adults age at different rates resulting in differences between chronological age and biological age among contemporaries. As a general rule, people who function better than their contemporaries may be considered as “biologically younger”, while people who do not function so well may be considered to be “biologically older”.
Can you actually measure a person’s biological age?
Dr. M: Yes, Helena, there are a number of markers one can employ –
Some physiological markers of ageing include:
- decreases in muscle mass
- changes in skeletal markers and bone formation
- a decline in the number of brain cells
- alterations in neuropsychological cognitive functions such as memory impairment
- histological changes in the lung parenchyma and decreases in respiratory function
Then, there are some biological markers that are predictors of successful ageing:
- lack of cardiovascular disease
- a lipid LDL profile associated with an absence of hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease
- strong immune function
Then, there are also biochemical biomarkers that can be accurately measured and may be the most scientific method available (as a biochemist, I always prefer these):
Telomere length of the chromosomes in your cells shortens as each cell ages
Collagen cross-linking – The presence of cross-linked proteins can cause loss of normal functioning of tissues as a result of the ageing process like for collagen.
Glycosylated hemoglobin –There is a steady increase in levels of haemoglobin cross-linked to sugars with age as well.
That’s quite a list!
So, you mentioned the free-radical scavenging ability of antioxidants in superfoods & superherbs. Where do these fit in with ageing?
Dr. M: Ok, so, there are several theories of ageing and many involve organelles called mitochondria, which produce the basic energy unit of the body known as ATP. Its production is the main internal source of free radicals in the body and this process is linked to ageing in many tissues including the skin.
Yes, I see. So, the antioxidants in superfoods and superherbs help to eliminate these free radicals that cause ageing.
Dr. M: That’s right.
So, then, how does all this relate to cancer?
Dr. M: So, this process of generating free radicals in the body is called oxidative stress and other external sources of oxidative stress include carcinogens like ultraviolet radiation, ionizing radiation, environmental pollutants such as smoke and radioactive elements. The free radicals generated by these various carcinogens can cause cell death. According to the cancer theory I am a pioneer of, apoptosis (or cell death) is a key trigger of carcinogenesis. Naturally, antioxidants help to limit cellular levels of free radicals. Therefore, they have a beneficial effect against both ageing and cancer.
That’s a treasure trove of information. Some of it was new perhaps to our viewers and some I am sure just needs to be heard again. Can we please get a final re-cap from you?
Dr. M: Yes. Ageing and cancer share certain commonalities – cellular oxidative stress in the body is linked to ageing in many tissues while it can also trigger apoptosis & carcinogenesis. Superfoods and superherbs often contain large concentrations of various antioxidants which scavenge free radicals thereby slowing down ageing and preventing cancer.
Greece is known for special herbal “beauty” teas which contain high levels of such phenolic antioxidant compounds. Similarly, India and China have their own set of antioxidant superherbs which have been used to improve human health for centuries.
Not everybody ages at the same rate (chronological vs. biological age) and one’s outcome can be improved through a healthy lifestyle since it is not solely dependent upon inherited genetic characteristics.
Thank you, Dr. Moondust, for providing this new perspective on ageing…and how we can live well as we do it!
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Till next time, be sun safe and enjoy life.
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